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The CTE Back Story



The Orinda Technology Advisory Council (OTAC) developed a Technology Plan which included creating a set of Common Technology Experiences (CTE) as a reference to share which technology experiences would be offered at each grade level.


Now that the CTE document has been created, there is a need to develop specific projects, lessons, and/or activities so that teachers can access proven lessons which will support the components found in the CTE.

The CTE Workshop Grade Level Teams have begun the task of building what we hope to be an invaluable resource for all.





Thanks to the following for their hard work and dedication to this project:


Del Rey: Scott Adams*, Elisa Carpenter, Becca Wilson, Michelle Stieler, Sandy Buscheck, Jean Rutledge, John Moran

Glorietta: Erin Miller*, Charles Shannon, Kathrynn Kang, Ashley Ho, Lori Biddle

Sleepy Hollow: Therese Long*, Christine Shaffer, Marty Stephenson, Susan Casey, Betsy Howe, Allison Edwards

Wagner Ranch: Myla Manese*, Cheryl Connick, Liz Headley, Maple Lai, Annalisa Brucker

OIS TeamLeslie Millstone*, Alison Waterman, Eric Page, Mary Risso, Ed Mora, Susan Weiss, Patt Lopez, Maria Rosas, Shannah La Roche, Tracy Champion, Patsy McAteer, Marshall Sachs, Sue Boudreau, Wayne Altenberg, Bronwen Horten, Sally Thompson, Kendra Hodder, Greg Tobin, Lore Ehrlich, Danee Jurichko, Lori Fiero

District: Patsy Templeton*

*OTAC Teacher Representatives


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